All SiteGround Hosting Plans & Pricing Guide: Features/Cost

These are all currently available SiteGround hosting plans along with a pricing guide to easily figure out the cost & choice in available features, for October of 2024.

The list is maintained and mended as needed.

SiteGround Hosting Plans & Pricing Guide

Index of Contents:

Shared Hosting

This also includes WordPress & Joomla hosting (same as shared).

Available in these five data center locations: Chicago (US), Amsterdam (NL), Singapore (SG), London (UK), Milano (IT).

Pricing Table:

Sign up discount is significant in comparison to renewal price. Save up for 3 years of hosting for the best offer & refer friends for 3 months free or more.

Plans & Cost
Web Start
Web Growth
Web Geeks
Sign Up Price
per Month
$3.95 $5.95 $11.95
Sign Up Price
per Year
$47.40 $71.40 $143.4
Renewal Price
per Month
$9.95 $14.95 $29.90
Renewal Price
per Year
$119.4 $179.4 $358.8
Sign Up
60% 60% 60%

Feature Table:

Here are the most important features of all the shared hosting plan levels. Click on a feature to see the details to help decide if you really need it or not.

Plans & Features
Web Start
Web Growth
Web Geeks
Monthly Visits 10,000 25,000 100,000
Web Storage 10GB 20GB 30GB
More Website Resources X
E-commerce PCI Compliance X
WordPress Staging X
Multiple Websites X X
SuperCacher Speed Up X X
Dynamic WordPress Cache X X
30 Backup Copies X X
Free 1 Year Wildcard SSL X X
Priority Support X X
Website Builder X X X
24/7 Tech Support X X X
SSD Storage X X X
Free Let’s Encrypt SSL X X X
Daily Free Backup X X X
Unlimited Email & Database X X X
Free CDN X X X
Free Website Migration X X X
cPanel X X X
SSH & SFTP Access X X X
HTTP/2 Enabled X X X

Monthly Visits

This is the number of recommended maximum monthly visitors each plan’s resource limit is suitable for. But the figure is mostly exaggerated; meaning that your website will work with optimum performance within that limit & most likely beyond it.

Daily resources are measured with something called “inode usage” — you can check the status from the hosting control panel. If your account crosses the limit; you’ll be asked to upgrade or risk having the website go down for the rest of that day.

Note that I’ve had WordPress websites more than double the monthly visitor limit on the cheapest StartUp plan with no problems at all.

If unsure; you can always start with a StartUp plan and upgrade later if needed.

Web Storage

The available choice in storage is between 10GB, 20GB & 30GB. There are no unlimited web storage plans; meaning that you will likely need to upgrade to a cloud hosting plan for websites with larger space requirements.

More Website Resources

With GoGeek plans more resources are reserved for each hosting account which supposedly could improve website performance. But SiteGround is already known to preserve a fair share of resources for all their users; key to their fast page loads.

This is a welcomed extra for sites with large amounts of visitors but for this feature alone I don’t think it’s worth a plan upgrade. However do consider that according to SiteGround you could have up to four times more server resources in comparison with lower level plans; also named as “semi dedicated hosting“.

E-commerce PCI Compliance

This feature is a must if you are running an e-commerce site and your payment option requires PCI compliance. But still all hosting plans are compatible with most e-commerce solutions; just some of the stricter solutions could require this like when processing the actual payments through your own website.

If you don’t know what it is you likely won’t need it; read more here.

WordPress Staging

What this means is that you can quickly deploy a development copy of your WordPress (or Joomla) website. So that you can make tests & edit code within a testing environment before going live with the new changes.

Handy for developers or those with large amounts of visitors that cannot afford to make mistakes and want to try out things first.

Check SiteGround’s staging tutorial here for more info on this feature.

Multiple Websites

With GrowBig & GoGeek plans you can host unlimited websites and domains as long as resource usage stays within the allowed limits. StartUp is restricted to one domain only but you can use subdomains to host more websites.

The multiple domain feature is called addon domain on cPanel.

SuperCacher Speed Up

This is a feature in the control panel where you can easily turn on website caching on the server side. It works for all files and any type of website.

While everyone should be using caching so that static pages are stored in the RAM for faster speeds; you most likely won’t be needing the SuperCacher tool if you are using WordPress or pretty much any other modern CMS (see below).

Dynamic WordPress Cache

The Dynamic Cache tool is like a simplified (or feature limited) caching solution for WordPress; also available for the Joomla & Drupal CMS.

There are several WordPress plugins both free and commercial that have more features like minifying and combining files which will further improve performance. I’m personally a fan of WP Rocket — don’ leave computer without it!

Overall SiteGround’s caching solutions are easy to use and effective enough for those who are not super fanatic about optimizing website speeds. Just not a good enough reason to pay for an upgrade from StartUp to GrowBig.

30 Backup Copies

The difference with regular backups available to all hosting plans and GrowBig/GoGeek is that SiteGround keeps up to 30 backup copies of previous versions on their server. So that you can access older versions too.

Free Wildcard SSL

All plans include free SSL for hosting your website on HTTPS; perfectly valid and secure for e-commerce and other use. But from GrowBig and upwards you have additional access to a free wildcard SSL certificate.

The certificate which is free for the first year and costs $60/year from thereafter; will let you display a dynamically generated image on your website which guarantees the security of your website. Compare SSL features here to choose for yourself.

But it’s unlikely needed.

Priority Support

The company that already offers fast, quality support (instant in fact) via phone, chat and support ticket; offers prioritized support for higher plans…..?

Website Builder

Teamed up with Weebly; SiteGround offers an easy drag-and-drop website builder for those who are not comfortable with WordPress. However those who need to use one could possibly sign up with Weebly directly.

24/7 Tech Support

Known for fast support it’s one of the reasons many choose to host here; despite the large size of the company they manage to keep clear from queues.

All support staff are trained and speak native English. Also they are locally placed; meaning no cheap outsourced support centers with SiteGround!

SSD Storage

Most modern web hosting companies are running on SSD which doesn’t prove much but hey; it is fast.. Seriously — you can read how their server architecture contributes on speed if interested in that stuff.

Free Let’s Encrypt SSL

They said bye bye to commercial certificate sales to introduce super easy access to free SSL certificates from Let’s Encrypt; enabling HTTPS for everyone.

Domain validated and supported by all major browsers — installation is a single click through the hosting control panel. Great value for all hosting plans!

Daily Free Backup

Many hosting companies charge extra but SiteGround offers easy backups for free and for everyone. Always a useful feature to have & support can help you restore the backup when necessary — here’s a fun infographic on backups.

Unlimited Email & Database

While the number of email accounts and databases is unlimited. There are per email box limits in place; luckily there are none for databases.

  • StartUp plan – 2GB per email account
  • GrowBig plan – 4GB per email account
  • GoGeek plan – 6GB per email account

Free CDN

Partnered with Cloudflare; SiteGround brings easy to enable CDN services through their hosting control panel. You don’t need to register a separate account, instead CDN activation is all done through the backend.

Easy peasy — check the CDN tutorial here.

Free Website Migration

They have dedicated a whole guide on migrating your website to SiteGround; either by yourself or all done by them — for free of course (valued at $30).


Hosting services are running with the world’s favorite hosting control panel; known as cPanel. Not only is it easy to use but because of it’s huge popularity it is the most supported as well. Good combination of feature rich hosting management to super easy to use basic functions for newbies bonanza.

Features include things like 1-click WordPress install (or pretty much any other CMS), 1-click free SSL, management of email accounts, and all you need.

SSH & SFTP Access

Many companies have access to SSH as a premium feature but not SiteGround. All plans get secure command line access to the server as well as secure file transfers with SFTP. Even if you don’t know what these are; they could come in handy.

Got a geeky friend helping with your site? He’ll be happy with “shell access“.

HTTP/2 Enabled

You hear this name thrown around (an improved version of the traditional HTTP protocol) but it’s only a potential increase in performance.

Nevertheless they got you covered!

Cloud Hosting

SiteGround’s fully managed enterprise-class cloud hosting; ultra-fast & scalable.

Available in these five data center locations: Chicago (US), Amsterdam (NL), Singapore (SG), London (UK), Milano (IT).

Pricing table:

With Cloud Hosting pricing is constant for sign ups & renewals; with discounts from 5% for 3month and 10% for 6 or 12month billing periods.

Plans & Cost
Entry Business Business Plus Super Power
Sign Up & Renewal
Monthly Billing
$80/m $120/m $160.00/m $240.00/m
Sign Up & Renewal
3 Month Billing
$76.00/m $114.00/m $152.00/m $228.00/m
Sign Up & Renewal
6 Month Billing
$72.00/m $108.00/m $144.00/m $216.00/m
Sign Up & Renewal
Yearly Billing
$72.00/m $108.00/m $144.00/m $216.00/m
Period Discount
Monthly Billing
0% 0% 0% 0%
Period Discount
3 Month Billing
5% 5% 5% 5%
Period Discount
6-12 Month Billing
10% 10% 10% 10%

Feature Table:

Resources like the amount of CPUs, memory and SSD storage capacity can be scaled during sign up as well as on the go as needed.

Plans & Features
Entry Business Business Plus Super Power
CPU Cores 2 3 4 8
Memory 4GB 6GB 8GB 10GB
SSD Space 40GB 60GB 80GB 120GB
Data Transfer 5TB 5TB 5TB 5TB

Maximum scale is up to 16 cores, 16GB of memory & 200GB of SSD storage space.

Reseller Hosting

With reseller hosting you can deploy multiple websites in any of SiteGround’s five global data centers — see my SiteGround reseller hosting review for details.

Pricing Table:

One credit equals one year of hosting on the shared StartUp plan.

You need to purchases a minimum of 5 credits to start with (total $255) and can use them to host for as many or as little websites as you wish.

Credit Pricing
1-4 Websites/Credits 5-10 Websites/Credits 11+ Websites/Credits
Website Credit
Price per Year
$49 $45 $42
0% 0% 0%

List of features is the same as with shared hosting; the main difference is constant cheaper pricing with no renewal up-charges. As well as the ability to host all your websites on different IPs and data center locations.

Dedicated Hosting

Premium managed server solution for the most demanding of hosting environments.

Deployment available in United States, Europe & Asia-Pacific regions.

Pricing Table:

Small discounts on 3 and 6 month billing periods. Set up fee capped at $99.00.

Plans & Cost
Entry Server Power Server Super Power Server
Sign Up & Renewal
Price per Month
$229 $329 $429
Sign Up & Renewal
Price per Year
$2748 $3948 $5148
0% 0% 0%

Feature Table:

Plans & Features
Entry Server Power Server Super Power Server
CPU Type Intel Xeon E3-1230 Intel Xeon E3-1270 2 x Intel Xeon E5-2620
Clock Speed 3.20Ghz 3.50Ghz 2.00Ghz
CPU Cores 4 4 2 x 6
CPU Threads 8 8 2 x 12
CPU Cache 8MB 8MB 15MB
Memory RAM 4GB DDR3 16GB DDR3 6GB DDR3
Storage 500GB SATA II 1TB SATA II 4 x 500GB SATA III
Bandwidth 5TB 5TB 5TB

This list of all SiteGround hosting plans was compiled by me; I’m happy to make any suitable edits and welcome your suggestions and comments below!

Thank you very much!

Final notice: With intent to bring quality content to readers I am affiliated with SiteGround and their services; meaning that monetary benefit is possible if purchases are made after clicking on some of the links contained within this page & website.

If this article was helpful and you choose to support me;
A cosmic hug & a humble thank you!

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