These are step-by-step instructions on how you can use a promo discount code for buying link credit on Automatic Backlinks at — enjoy!
The discount code works for February of 2025.
Getting a discount for the Automatic Backlinks service is especially useful because it will apply to recurring monthly subscription fees and save you in the long run.
The best possible discount available is 10% for everything which is the standard, easy to get and considered a must — simply go through the steps below to create your account with the coupon or code applied to billing.
Or simply fill in the code “10” upon checkout!
Automatic Backlinks Discount Steps
If you already have an account on; you can skip the account creation phase and see instructions for applying the code further below.
Go through each step to make sure the discount is successful.
Step 1. Open the discount code referral link here
Step 2. You will see the ordinary front page — click “Get Started“.
Step 3. Go through registration and make sure country is correct.
Step 4. You’ll enter the dashboard — click “Buy Link Credit“.
Step 5. Select the amount of link credit you want to subscribe to.
Step 6. Fill in the account settings — name, address and so on.
Step 7. Proceed to checkout — click on “Apply A discount Code“.
Step 8. Enter “10” and click on “Apply Coupon” — see the new total.
This will give you a recurring 10% off from your subscription.
Enjoy Automatic Backlinks software and play safe!
Did you know..? Automatic Backlinks is run by a team of 40 employees, and was founded in 2002. It has ranked amongst the top 10 link building software by TopSEOs (an independent and trusted advisory for products on internet marketing) — ranked for their GUI interface, Software Features, Efficiency and Support.
All comments, questions about coupons, codes, discounts & promos on and related services are very welcome.
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