This is what I found out that BelugaCDN isn’t telling you about their so called “low-cost” CDN service. And what better Beluga alternative to consider.
Does website acceleration in more than 28 locations around the world, on a CDN rated 9.0 on Trustpilot for just $5/month sound good? Well, not for everyone.
What BelugaCDN isn’t telling you;
Only 9 POP (Points of Presence) locations are enabled on the Beluga CDN network. And there is no mention of it anywhere on their website.
Yes. Most of the CDN datacenter servers are disabled. And if you want to use their whole network, there can be a 10x price increase.
Now this might not be a problem for everyone (more about that later). However I would consider an alternative low-cost CDN.
BelugaCDN Alternative Compared;
This is why I consider BunnyCDN a much better deal.
With BunnyCDN you have 26 data centers, and full control over which POPs to enable or disable with one single click of a button. There are different regions for North America, Europe, Asia & Oceania, South America & South Africa.
Pricing starts at 0.010/GB and is extremely affordable throughout the network.
And unlike the monthly minimum at BelugaCDN, you are just required to deposit $10 per year with BunnyCDN. So you only pay for the bandwidth that you use. If you have left over credit at the end of the year, it will be carried over to the next.
And btw. BelugaCDN doesn’t have a free trial while BunnyCDN has.
Being so much cheaper, with extensive global coverage and I would argue it’s even easier to use… I think BunnyCDN is the better alternative.
Why BelugaCDN is doing this;
I had a discussion with support and maybe it’s not that bad.. but knowing this I wouldn’t call them inexpensive. And I was really surprised that they are doing this without actually mentioning it to customers anywhere.
Obviously alternatives can bring better value..
Our SuperPOP network is enabled by default (New York, Miami, Dallas, San Jose, Seattle, Chicago, London, Amsterdam, Frankfurt).
For the majority of clients, these locations provide satisfactory performance all around the world, at the super cost-effective rates we offer.
Other POPs, like Singapore, are available and can be enabled, however this is done on a per-client basis.
Despite this, I think BelugaCDN can be a good performing CDN.
So up to you!
Any questions, comments, experiences with Beluga CDN?
Let me know in the field below, please!
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