Bluehost Too Expensive? Solution Here! No Renewal Price Increase!

Bluehost is known for quality, cheap first term web hosting and on the flip-side renewal pricing is too expensive for many, domain renewal is not free either.

Here’s how to beat the price increase and more!

Bluehost Expenses

Bluehost is a big, known brand, it’s trusted and looks good from the outside but they not only have expensive renewal pricing but there is a heavy cost on additional services, that are free on more modern, competing hosting companies.

Features like HTTPS Hosting on SSL, domain names, malware removal, website builder, and the list goes on… are expensive add-ons with Bluehost.

But on FastComet hosting they are all free, for a lifetime.

Customers are increasingly looking for transparency, which FastComet provides with dedication. Low, flat pricing without up-selling, you know what you are getting.

So let’s do the math on how Bluehost compares with FastComet!

Bluehost Basic Plan;

  • cheapest 3 year plan at $3.95/month
  • plan renews at $7.99/month
  • SSL certificate $3.33/month
  • backups $2.99/month
  • domain FREE (first-term only)
  • domain renews at $0.99/month

— First term = $10.27/month
— Second term = $15.3/month

FastComet StartSmart Plan;

  • cheapest 3 year plan at $2.95/month
  • plan renews at $2.95/month
  • SSL certificate FREE
  • backups FREE
  • lifetime domain FREE

— First term = $2.95/month
— Second term = $2.95/month

Needless to say, Bluehost is too expensive if you are looking for feature rich, good quality hosting with an affordable price tag, and no price increase.

The key is to go with a highly competitive mid-sized hosting company like FastComet. They are so transparent, that you know every face of their staff. Which means, that their 24h/7 support is in-house and friendly as ever.

I also know from experience that Bluehost support is more limited in scope. The guys at FastComet go the extra mile to try and help even with website issues and problems that are totally unrelated to them. Special in the hosting industry.

I could continue. But I think you get the point.

Click here to get a free 14-day trial of FastComet hosting.

Bluehost has no free trial, so perhaps it’s time to try something else.

And questions, comments or feedback? Is Bluehost too expensive?
Let me know your thoughts below. And good luck!

Word of warning on Bluehost’s free SSL certificates;

While Bluehost has added so called support for hosting WordPress only on HTTPS for free, these are poor quality (SNI) certificates that are not supported by all web browsers. Also there have been many reports, that certificates often fail to renew automatically and therefore you risk on ending up with a broken WordPress site, & loosing your rankings on Google. Therefore only commercial SSL certificates are reliable on Bluehost.

Free HTTPS on FastComet is provided through the Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate authority, they are supported by all browsers and are equal to commercially available domain validated certificates. Want to know more? Leave questions below.

Thank you for reading and stopping by!

And not forgetting to mention, that WebHostWhat is affiliated with Bluehost and some other hosting companies and online services. They provide means to support the work behind the blog, this is all voluntary though. Thanks a lot, Tim.

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