Guide to Cheapest Domain Renewal & Register for Lifetime

Getting the cheapest lifetime price with cheap domain renewal is easy for most domain names — simply because there are only a few domain registrar companies that are willing to sell with a very low profit margin in February of 2025.

Spoiler! NameSilo has cheapest service without renewal up-charges.

Continue reading for more on the cheap way to register & renew domains!

Domain Renewal

The biggest domain registrar in the world is GoDaddy; thanks to massive advertising campaigns and 0.99cent .com domains — everyone knows GoDaddy.

The company has also had success in business with expensive domain renewals (known as up-charging) and upselling of services like privacy protection (private domain contact details). To avoid these problems with cheap constant pricing for both registering and renewing your domain names — check out NameSilo.

Don’t get me wrong; GoDaddy has great service and some TLDs, especially country code top-level domains can be cheap for renewals too. Also you can get up to 3 year free domain with hosting. But for most domains, especially the common ones like .com, .net, .org, .biz, .info and so on it can become expensive in the long run.

I’ve compared the most common domains and their pricing (register VS renewal) to get the idea — the below are all low-cost registrars known for their pricing.

Cheapest Com Top-Level Domain Renewal

Registrar Com; Renewal Com; Registration
NameSilo $8.99 $8.99
GoDaddy $14.99 $0.99
Namecheap $10.69 $8.88 $12.99 $12.99
Dynadot $9.99 $9.99
Uniregistry $10.88 $8.88

Cheapest Net Top-Level Domain Renewal

Registrar Net; Renewal Net; Registration
NameSilo $10.79 $10.79
GoDaddy $17.99 $11.99
Namecheap $12.88 $12.88 $13.99 $13.99
Dynadot $11.99 $11.99
Uniregistry $13.88 $13.88

Cheapest Org Top-Level Domain Renewal

Registrar Org; Renewal Org; Registration
NameSilo $10.79 $10.79
GoDaddy $19.99 $7.99
Namecheap $12.48 $6.88 $12.99 $12.99
Dynadot $12.99 $5.99
Uniregistry $14.88 $14.88

Cheapest Biz Top-Level Domain Renewal

Registrar Biz; Renewal Biz; Registration
NameSilo $10.99 $10.99
GoDaddy $20.99 $7.99
Namecheap $12.88 $0.88 $12.99 $5.99
Dynadot $12.99 $5.99
Uniregistry $15.88 $4.88

Cheapest Info Top-Level Domain Renewal

Registrar Info; Renewal Info; Registration
NameSilo $11.19 $2.69
GoDaddy $19.99 $2.99
Namecheap $11.88 $1.99 $12.99 $12.99
Dynadot $11.99 $2.99
Uniregistry $15.88 $15.88

So how does NameSilo do it? It’s all about a smart backend where all the features are automated to minimize the manpower needed to run their registrar company operations. Instead they have concentrated their efforts on great support on top of a feature rich system. Without a doubt NameSilo has become the best place for bulk domain operations. Also worth mentioning is that with Godaddy there is no email support — but NameSilo answers to support tickets fast.

So happy cheap domain name hunting; finding good priced renewal is key!

The cheap renewal works with NameSilo for the following domains:

.healthcare, .work, .mba, .claims, .events, .finance, .farm, .ninja, .degree, .works, .services, .restaurant, .info, .wtf, .download, .glass, .email, .catering, .cleaning, .exchange, .fail, .us, .directory, .cruises, .institute, .site, .click, .international, .computer, .credit, .network, .earth, .reviews, .cooking, .group, .lol, .productions, .surgery, .place, .solar, .ws, .solutions, .flowers, .lgbt, .stream, .yoga, .fans, .date, .plus, .family, .builders, .tech, .vision, .city, .actor, .clothing, .rehab, .tube, .support, .bar, .fashion, .wedding, .bargains, .church, .democrat, .love, .blue, .cc, .bike, .mortgage, .direct, .win, .rodeo, .fund, .men, .whoswho, .singles, .la, .com, .science, .tickets, .holdings, .ink, .mom, .estate, .plumbing, .auction, .insure, .exposed, .vet, .trade, .link, .movie, .construction, .hockey, .rest, .band, .equipment, .horse, .limo, .red, .design, .lawyer, .tax, .discount, .irish, .studio, .supplies, .racing, .attorney, .zone, .online, .review, .cool, .run, .enterprises, .software, .fyi, .pics, .ac, .futbol, .business, .co, .agency, .investments, .gold, .pub, .sh, .press, .social, .holiday, .pw, .shoes, .fun, .tattoo, .dental, .ski, .vodka, .domains, .camera, .archi, .gratis, .vacations, .diet, .io, .jewelry, .art, .toys, .hiphop, .feedback, .hospital, .life, .airforce, .one, .fishing, .host, .pictures, .reisen, .taxi, .university, .global, .style, .wiki, .florist, .golf, .diamonds, .school, .gmbh, .training, .tel, .fit, .financial, .pizza, .hosting, .fitness, .guide, .dog, .furniture, .gifts, .rocks, .delivery, .money, .team, .kaufen, .media, .recipes, .live, .associates, .loan, .beer, .vin, .cab, .dance, .cheap, .creditcard, .shop, .ventures, .shopping, .rentals, .limited, .audio, .shiksha, .salon, .theatre, .watch, .memorial, .org, .tools, .green, .properties, .black, .graphics, .realty, .vip, .asia, .photography, .garden, .protection, .dentist, .marketing, .education, .mx, .capital, .bingo, .deals, .doctor, .camp, .moe, .expert, .faith, .sexy, .uno, .coach, .organic, .supply, .bid, .cloud, .moda, .tv, .net, .store, .hiv, .systems, .sale, .news, .contractors, .foundation, .gift, .property, .rip, .website, .wine, .guitars, .biz, .sucks, .xyz, .tours, .pet, .haus, .dating, .voyage, .jetzt, .parts, .tienda, .juegos, .blackfriday, .report, .navy, .immobilien, .casino, .apartments, .space, .tennis, .sarl, .center, .bio, .fish, .cash, .theater, .flights, .villas, .lighting, .express, .webcam, .boutique, .gallery, .college, .schule, .rent, .today, .buzz, .careers, .pro, .land, .republican, .gives, .partners, .coffee, .company, .soccer, .care, .reise, .courses, .observer, .condos, .blog, .engineering, .show, .menu, .help, .miami, .party, .ltd, .cards, .mobi, .accountants, .gripe, .games, .army, .club, .repair, .maison, .codes, .market, .study, .energy, .pink, .accountant, .top, .surf, .house, .town, .film, .security, .kim, .football, .legal, .loans, .consulting, .ca, .forsale, .community, .vegas, .video, .lease, .cafe, .digital, .world, .photo, .cricket, .kitchen, .promo, .guru, .game, .me, .technology, .engineer, .clinic, .tires, .casa, .photos, .immo, .viajes, .industries, .academy, .christmas, .coupons, .tips, .management, .chat — with new domains to be added for register!

Consider the following domains with Godaddy:

.domains, .racing, .bike, .click, .cash, .marketing, .fr, .kyoto, .camera, .forum, .gratis, .dentist, .group, .community, .pl, .paris, .life, .pub, .social, .fit, .dental, .capital, .kim, .qpon, .best, .yoga, .tires, .mobi, .ceo, .loan, .kaufen, .date, .be, .shoes, .house, .voto, .fashion, .parts, .enterprises, .clinic, .audio, .repair, .sexy, .website, .productions, .blue, .boutique, .ltda, .supplies, .tw, .fund, .online, .technology, .surf, .foundation, .education, .sarl, .tech, .vegas, .international, .at, .career, .kitchen, .ninja, .exposed, .casino, .realty, .trade, .fitness, .cooking, .bargains, .pizza, .jp, .club,, .band, .services, .airforce, .hockey, .report, .vin, .mba, .nyc, .vacations, .vodka, .com, .immo, .blog, .country, .university, .lol, .estate, .limited, .supply, .wiki, .horse, .degree, .fishing, .earth, .agency, .car, .moda, .ski, .bayern, .rocks, .love, .red, .camp, .forsale, .deals, .webcam, .me, .flowers, .dating, .jewelry, .ltd, .blackfriday, .solar, .today, .apartments, .pictures, .info, .company, .glass, .events, .tokyo, .reviews, .toys, .management, .systems, .condos, .works, .cn, .expert, .restaurant, .hosting, .rent, .fyi, .quebec, .stream, .jetzt, .cleaning, .sale, .film, .directory, .baby, .city, .watch, .sg,, .yokohama, .space, .schule, .army, .lgbt, .porn, .team, .diet, .pics, .furniture, .bid, .institute, .florist, .catering, .london, .legal, .credit, .soccer, .clothing, .center, .miami, .tax, .in, .world, .insure, .moe, .gripe, .solutions, .taxi, .okinawa, .partners, .rentals, .security, .market, .games, .chat, .media, .golf, .io, .energy, .jobs, .uk, .net, .rehab, .digital, .tours, .hiv, .press, .engineering, .coupons, .christmas, .mortgage, .training, .store,, .ch, .doctor, .fail, .video, .republican, .democrat, .construction, .asia, .juegos, .tel, .wine, .voyage, .farm, .men, .tienda, .vision, .direct, .school, .auto, .futbol, .attorney, .surgery, .theatre, .se, .tube, .guru, .financial, .holiday, .codes, .ryukyu, .onl, .ca, .nrw, .money, .auction, .fun, .berlin, .rodeo, .host, .rip, .science, .vip, .email, .college, .network, .ph, .gives, .cymru, .wtf, .study, .lighting, .software, .dog, .shop, .vet, .villas, .photography, .flights, .tennis, .buzz, .salon, .finance, .menu, .gift, .builders, .photos, .dk, .download, .link, .plumbing, .pink, .kiwi, .plus, .bingo, .equipment, .hospital, .us, .associates, .loans, .consulting, .cars, .pro, .care, .cab, .hiphop, .healthcare, .church, .shopping, .tattoo, .coach, .wedding, .discount, .navy, .promo, .cruises, .photo, .viajes, .win, .nl, .bio, .theater, .global, .game, .garden, .pet, .diamonds, .la, .eu, .claims, .gifts, .pe, .place, .exchange, .es, .faith, .voting, .cheap, .help, .casa, .memorial, .review, .reise, .cafe, .sydney, .kr, .nagoya, .show, .reisen, .town, .graphics, .zone, .site, .gmbh, .cricket, .uno, .fish, .build, .org, .xxx, .run, .ventures, .bar, .party, .guide, .archi, .medical, .computer, .tools, .de, .dance, .cloud, .rich, .haus, .property, .shiksha, .architect, .art, .pw, .engineer, .style, .poker, .xyz, .ws,, .mom, .melbourne, .gallery, .gold, .football, .singles, .cards, .studio, .work, .recipes, .design, .wales, .express, .holdings, .name, .live, .lawyer, .properties, .tips, .guitars, .cl, .biz, .desi, .vote,, .black, .tv, .immobilien, .beer, .green, .land, .delivery, .contractors, .cool, .bet, .limo, .family, .adult, .mx, .co, .maison, .fans, .one, .it, .news, .support, .courses, .investments, .business, .coffee, .industries, .rest, .lease, .ink, .ru — with new domains to be added for register!

Also did you know that GoDaddy has support for 56 languages (Spanish, English, Dutch, French, Portuguese, Danish, German, Finnish, Swedish, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Turkish, Italian and many more!) — while NameSilo is only available in English. So if language is a bigger priority than cheap renewal and registration; I would at least consider using GoDaddy depending on your needs.

Questions about renewals, cheap ways, places to register domains?
Give me a shout in the box below and I’ll get back to you.

Huge thanks for dropping by and checking out my blog! — Tim.

Please note: There are affiliate links placed in this and other posts on this website which can  translate to financial benefit to the author. However this will not affect your experience with such third-party services and companies. I’ve done my best to stay sincere; not being affected content-wise through such affiliation.

Just want to say thank you, thank you so much to all my important readers.

2 thoughts on “Guide to Cheapest Domain Renewal & Register for Lifetime”

  1. Hiya, I noticed you didn’t have on your list,

    I have 2 domains that I think would be Vetter placed with another company as they cost doo much with weebley

    I have .com and

    What would be the one you reccomend for both of them??


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