HostPapa now supports free SSL certification in 2025. For the most part it works very well, although their system is not as easy as it could be.
Here are essentials on Let’s Encrypt on HostPapa — or read the official guide.
For those with a new domain, getting started with free SSL from LetsEncrypt is the easiest. And it’s highly recommended to start with HTTPS from day 1.
When you sign up with a new Let’s Encrypt Hosting (available here) plan and get the domain from HostPapa, everything should work straight, out of the box. No configurations necessary, with easy WordPress install on cPanel.
For those with a domain from a third party registrar, there can be a max. 24 hour wait after you’ve changed nameservers (DNS) to HostPapa.
In any case, it’s a good idea to get in touch with live support and make sure the Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate is working.., and as fast as possible.
This is the downside with HostPapa where other hosting companies have an easy one-click cPanel interface for enabling and disabling free SSL on your own.
When your domain is ready, with it’s “LetsEncrypt SSL certificate” in place — you can do a fresh install of WordPress by selecting HTTPS as your website address.
If you are moving into HostPapa with your old website — I highly recommend using their completely free website migration service.
This is the best way to transfer your site without hiccups.
For any problems, consult the guide to Let’s Encrypt installation issues.
And that’s all — comments welcome.
Any questions about Lets Encrypt certificates or free SSL certs?
Or what’s your experience of hosting on secure HTTPS on HostPaPa?
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